How to Get to Venice from Rome

How to Get from Rome to Venice

The distance from Rome to Venice is 526 kilometers, and the most convenient way to travel is by high-speed train, but you can also enjoy the journey by bus or car. Depending on the chosen mode of transportation, the travel time can range from 4 to 7 hours.

Rome Venice Route on Map

Let’s look at all the options in detail:

By train

I highly recommend taking the train as the most comfortable way to get to Venice or any other major city in Italy.


Traveling on the high-speed train ItaloTreno from Rome to Venice will take you only 3 hours and 45 minutes. Trains depart from Rome starting at 6:15 a.m. from Roma Termini и Roma Tiburtina. You can arrive at Venice’s central station, Santa Lucia, by 10:00 a.m.

Расписание скоростных поездов ItaloTreno из Рима в Венецию

One-way tickets range from 27.90 EUR to 89.89 EUR. If you buy them last minute, only the most expensive options may be available, but if you plan your trip at least a month in advance, you can find very comfortable and affordable tickets. For example, you can pay as little as 18.90 EUR for a first-class (Prima) ticket.  Стоимость билетов скоростных поездов ItaloTreno из Рима в Венецию


High-speed trains of Trenitalia also depart for Venice from Roma Termini starting at 5:35 a.m.

Расписание скоростных поездов Trenitalia из Рима в Венецию

By booking several months in advance, you can catch the cheap Super Economy fare for only 19.90 EUR.

Venice is a very popular destination, and during the summer, even the most expensive tickets may be sold out.

Стоимость билетов на поезд из Рима в Венецию

  • Advice: Plan your trip in advance, and you’ll be happy without overpaying.

Night Trains

For adventurous travelers, there is an option to reach Venice by night train to save on accommodation. The cheapest ticket in a second-class sitting car costs only 12.90 EUR. A male or female compartment will cost around 60 EUR, while a private compartment will cost more than 100 EUR. I hope this schedule will be useful to someone, but it’s still worth considering other options.

Расписание и стоимость ночных поездов из Рима в Венецию

You can compare prices and buy tickets for all trains and buses in Italy through the official English-language website of our partner Omnio.

By bus

Taking a bus from Rome to Venice is worth considering if you have a very limited budget and plenty of free time. The travel time will be at least 7 hours, and you’ll arrive at the Mestre station in Venice. Ticket prices range from 19.90 to 29.90 EUR.

Rome Venice Bus Timetable Ticket Prices

If you choose to take a bus from Rome to Venice, I would recommend the overnight trip departing from Rome at 10:50 p.m. and arriving in Mestre at 5:30 a.m. This way, you won’t lose a precious day in transit and can save on accommodation. By booking tickets several months in advance, you can save an additional 5 EUR.

By car

Consider a car trip from Rome to Venice only if you plan to stretch this journey for at least a week. You can plan interesting routes with a focus on gastronomy stay in Tuscan, Umbria, and Emilia Romagna. And visit wineries, and farms where parmesan prosciutto, balsamico, and delicious restaurants are located.

Considering the effort, car rental costs, fuel, and toll roads, driving non-stop for 6 hours to Venice is impractical.

Read about Parking in Venice.

Tours in Venice

Commercial bus tours with 40 people are best left to tour operators. Here, we will only consider options for independent travelers. It is advisable to spend at least 2-3 full days in Venice, enjoying early morning walks and visiting the islands of Murano and Burano.

Can You Do a Day Trip to Venice from Rome

Theoretically, you could even manage to see everything in one day. Here’s the plan:

Depart from Rome in the morning on the high-speed trains ItaloTreno or Trenitalia, arriving in Venice at 9:20 a.m. or 10:00 a.m. A guide will meet you at the station, and you’ll dive into a full-day program exploring all of Venice. Taking into account transportation tickets and the services of a private guide, such a tour would cost around 550-700 EUR for a group of up to 4 people.

The last ItaloTreno trains depart from Venice at 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.

Расписание поездов ItaloTreno из Венеции в Рим

Alternatively, you can take a Trenitalia train departing at 6:25 p.m. or 7:25 p.m.

Расписание поездов Trenitalia из Венеции в Рим

Summary: Things to Know before Travelling to Venice from Rome

Is Rome or Venice more expensive?

Generally, Venice tends to be more costly than Rome, especially in terms of accommodation and dining, mainly due to its unique structure and tourist demand.

Where to stop from Venice to Rome?

Ideal stops between Venice and Rome include Bologna, known for its culinary delights; Florence, famous for Renaissance art and architecture; and Siena, renowned for its medieval cityscape.

How far is Venice from Rome by high-speed train?

The distance between Venice and Rome by high-speed train is approximately 530 kilometers (330 miles), and the journey takes about 3.5 to 4 hours.

I’m confident that this guide will be helpful, and you’ll have no problem reaching Venice from Rome. I’ll be happy to answer any questions in the comments.

Guide, traveler, marathon runner, journalist, creator of the site ITALY FOR ME. I live in Rome and am in love with Rome. On the subject of the article, please ask questions in the comments. I try to answer everyone at least once a day.

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