The Most Beautiful and Famous Bridges in Venice

Famous Bridges In Venice

Venice is an incredibly romantic city with many cozy buildings and small canals separating them, where a unique atmosphere reigns. The town on the water boasts many attractions, so tourists often forget about another marvelous feature of Venice – its bridges.

We selected six of the most beautiful, famous, and unusual, in our opinion, bridges in Venice.

Scalzi Bridge

Scalzi Bridge in Venice

The Scalzi Bridge (Ponte degli Scalzi), designed by Eugenio Miozzi, is one of the crossings over the Grand Canal. It is the bridge one sees first arriving to Venice: the closest bridge to the city’s train station (Stazione di Venezia Santa Lucia). It connects two districts: Santa Croce and Cannaregio, separated by a canal. Ponte degli Scalzi is translated as “barefoot bridge.” According to one of the legends, the bridge got this name because beggars who did not even have enough money for shoes lived not far from it. The construction of the Scalzi was completed in the 1930s, and since then, more than one hundred thousand feet of locals and tourists have passed through it.

Liberty bridge

Liberty bridge in Venice

Although this Bridge of Liberty (Ponte della Liberta) does not stand out for any legend or a story, it is still unique as it connects the city with the land and precisely with the Mestre district. Ordered by Benito Mussolini, designed in 1932 by the talented Eugenio Miozia and opened a year after, the bridge has become a symbol of the decline of the fascist dictatorship. It stretches for almost four kilometers, making it one of the longest bridges in all of Italy.

Rialto bridge

Rialto Famous Bridge In Venice

The Rialto Bridge (Ponte di Rialto) was built back in 1591. No wonder it is considered the oldest one in Venice. Once upon a time, local merchants who lived nearby traded on it, and merchant ships that arrived from far away with overseas curios were also unloaded here. Hundreds of years have passed, and life on the Rialto is still raging. Tourists invariably come here to take a photo from the bridge: breathtaking views open up on the Rialto.

Bridge of Sighs

Bridge of Sighs in Venice

Perhaps this bridge can be called one of the most famous in Venice. It was built in 1602 of white marble by Antonio Contino, whose uncle was the author of the Rialto Bridge. Yet, despite its romantic name, the Bridge of Sighs (Ponte dei Sospiri) has a sad history. It connects the building of the Doge’s Palace, where the court sessions were once held, and the prison, many prisoners, were sent after the trial. The convicts could only cast a farewell look at the city on the water on this bridge.

Bridge of Fists (Ponte dei Pugni)

Bridge of Fists (Ponte dei Pugni) in Venice

Ponte dei Pugni is translated as “bridge of fists.” The bridge got this name for a reason, the story behind it happened many hundreds of years ago when the Venetian tradition of fist fights existed. The purpose of the tournaments was to throw the enemy into the water. This was an easy task as the bridge had no railings. And today, attentive tourists can notice special marks on the Bridge of Fists.

Straw Bridge (Ponte della Paglia)

Straw Bridge (Ponte della Paglia) in Venice

Not far from the majestic Palace of the Doges, the Straw Bridge (Ponte della Paglia) is thrown across the canal. Tourists who visited it often ask where it got its name from because the straw was not the material used for its creation. The graceful Straw Bridge has its history. Locals claim that it was named so because, for many centuries, a straw merchant lived near the bridge.

In addition to the majestic bridges with their own history, Venice also has many unnamed pontes that are worth seeing. Therefore, going to the city on the water, carefully study them: you will indeed find your own!

Guide, traveler, marathon runner, journalist, creator of the site ITALY FOR ME. I live in Rome and am in love with Rome. On the subject of the article, please ask questions in the comments. I try to answer everyone at least once a day.

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